Where are you located?
We are located in Truckee, California.
Where do we ride?
We ride in Truckee near Prosser Reservoir during the dry months. In winter, we ride at lower elevations near Reno, Nevada.
What are the hours for riding?
9am – 4pm
Do I need to make a reservation or can I just show up?
Reservations are always required and we recommend reserving a week ahead. With that said, don’t hesitate to try and reserve the day before, but it’s more likely to work out in your favor if you plan ahead.
How old do you have to be?
Minors can ride dirt bikes with a guide OR with an experienced parent or guardian
Polaris RZR side by side drivers must be 30 or older
Timbersled riders must be Level 3 or higher and able to ride full sized dirt bikes
Do you give Instruction/Guiding?
Yes, we do provide beginner instruction and guiding. We are insured and permitted by Tahoe National Forest to do so.
What gear is included?
We supply Helmet, Goggles, Gloves, Moto Boots, Chest Guard, Elbow Guards, and Knee/Shin Guards. We do not supply clothing. Long pants or jeans are required to ride.
Can I bring my own gear?
Yes, you are welcome to bring your own gear. The gear we provide is free of charge. We do not recommend street helmets for dirt bike riding.
What do I need to wear?
• Long sleeve t-shirt. This is to protect your arms from scrapes
and the sun.
• Long pants
• Hi or Med-Hi Socks
Check local forecast and dress accordingly
What do I need to bring?
• Snacks or Lunch
• Something to drink. We suggest, in the summer months you
bring atleast 2 quarts/Liters of fluids. It’s better to have too
much than not enough. A camelback or small backpack is recommended.
Experienced and going unguided?
Smart phone or gps for navigation
First aid kit
Spot or InReach satellite messenger
Level 1 – Beginner
- You never been on a Motorcycle, Scooter, or Dirt Bike but can ride a bicycle.
- You have uncertain balance control (Being able to ride a bicycle is strongly recommended).
- You have no motorcycle riding experience and want to try riding a motorcycle.
- You have not grasped the concept of using a clutch and shifter.
- You want to start your child riding a motorcycle.
- You expend a lot of energy to maintain a sense of control over bike and very tired after a short period of riding.
- You experience a number drops, falls, and/or stalls each ride.
- You would not be comfortable on single track trail, ascending or descending hills, or encountering obstacles. Singletrack – what is singletrack; isn’t that just for mountain bikes?
- You tend to use a sitting riding position vs. a standing position.
- You are most comfortable riding in open spaces such as fields, or on gravel roads used by cars.
Level 2 – Novice
- You have minimal motorcycle riding experience.
- You have been on a motorcycle a few times.
- You know how to handle the clutch and shift gears.
- You are still working on throttle, clutch, brake, shift control, and riding in the standing position.
- You can handle some curves with minor leans and braking.
- You are able to ride in third and fourth gear off-road when safe to do so.
- You have little or no experience riding un-surfaced roads like gravel or dirt. Essentially, you have only ridden on paved roads.
- You are comfortable and relatively certain of traction on easy, ATV trails with short ascents and descents.
- You’re hooked on riding off-road and wide dirt trails (atv/ohv trails or doubletrack), but don’t yet have the skills and confidence to consistently ride terrain with roots, rocks, tight corners, tight trees and steeps. Singletrack? Still not sure what that is.
- You expend a fair amount of energy riding, quite tired after riding 2-3 hours.
Level 3 – Intermediate
- You feel fairly confident riding on paved and hard packed roads.
- You have experience riding all sorts of curves, ascents, and descents.
- You are comfortable operating throttle, clutch and brake controls, and with shifting while riding in the standing position.
- You are comfortable using front brake alone in slowing down.
- You can come to a complete stop and then continue forward without putting a foot down.
- You are used to riding in some inclement weather conditions.
- You have some experience with un-surfaced roads, but potentially less experience with more demanding off-road riding.
- You enjoy the smooth mellow singletrack, although often the trees feel too tight and close, the climbs come too quick to shift and you find yourself stuck in the middle of the hill, and the obstacles have you a bit surprised as you did not even know people ride right over logs!
- You can comfortably get your wheel up over obstacles higher than axle height, like a log.
- You are comfortable using both brakes in stopping, and braking to control skids and change/initiate direction.
- You are comfortable and effectively using multiple controls simultaneously.
- You can read the terrain, select and maintain a line most of the time, and can recover quickly from deflections off obstacles.
Level 4 – Advanced
- You are a seasoned rider, comfortably riding on-road and off-road.
- You can easily ride for long periods in all kind of weather conditions.
- You have ridden a variety of motorcycles for many years, possibly actively participated on rallies, tours, etc.
- You are comfortable riding a variety of singletrack which may include tight trees, mud, loose rocks and sand and are comfortable doing so on aggressive terrain with little braking.
- You are not intimidated by different soil conditions and obstacles (sand, mud, loose/rolling stones, large rocks, logs).
- You are not intimidated by steep uphills and downhills or off-camber slopes and hills.
- You are comfortable jumping the motorcycle and riding in rough conditions without bottoming the suspension unexpectedly.
Level 5 – Expert
- You are a Dirt bike god/goddess. You can handle the most technical terrain imaginable, eat up steeps and rock gardens for breakfast.
- You like to participate in motorcycle races.
- You are able to ride any surface without difficulty in all weather conditions.
- You can ride for extended periods of time at day or night (7-8 hours) without tiring.
- You own motorcycles and actively ride almost every week.